
Survey Progress
Pedestrian Ramps Surveyed as of 10/31/2019
Pedestrian Ramps Surveyed
A detailed inventory of our pedestrian ramps was completed using high definition, street level imagery and ground-based LiDAR technology. Car-mounted equipment collected terrain and image information on two or more recorded runs. Data collection was completed by October 2019.
Survey Map
The map below illustrates the location of ramps where a survey of a pedestrian ramp has taken place. As of October 31st, 2019 there are a total of 217,678 ramps surveyed across all 5 boroughs. For an accessible version of the map visit the Find Surveyed Ramps by Street Intersection section. Please note the map does not reflect results of the survey only if a location has had a survey.
The information above shows locations with existing, surveyed pedestrian ramps. If a dot is not shown, the location was not surveyed or has no pedestrian ramps. DOT will add additional locations to the map on a rolling basis throughout the ongoing survey. Locations that do not have ramps will be evaluated for installation following completion of the survey. Please note that this information may contain errors and may not be complete.
How We Are Using This Data
DOT assessed the data extracted from LiDAR and imagery data collected for each ramp and will determine whether a ramp needs an upgrade based on design standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act. DOT will start with ramps that are on newly resurfaced streets and ramps in connection with complaints. For more information regarding the pedestrian ramp program progress, please find our construction map here.
Survey Assessment Map
Survey data was generated from Cyclomedia imagery captured between March 2017 and October 2018.
Pending Technical Review means that the survey data received for a particular ramp is being reviewed to determine its compliance with the 2010 American’s With Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design.
Some locations that have been included may be outside of DOT’s jurisdiction.